29 Dec 6moons Reviews Carbide Base Footers
Posted at 21:39h
in Press Release
Srajan Ebaen at 6moons has published a review of our Carbide Base footers. Srajan used 12 Carbide Base footers in several configurations between his two loudspeaker systems. As typical of Srajan’s reviews, he digs deep into the technical aspects of our Carbide Base footers as they relate to the sonic changes they impart. On the topic of multi-axis vibration isolation, he noted:
The upshot is clear. Vertical isolation—call it the anti-jackhammer orientation—seems particularly effective at disrupting the migration and amplification of mechanical resonances generated by powerful bass makers on a floor.
Srajan opted to keep our Carbide Base footers under his prototype sound|kaos subwoofer. We hope you continue to enjoy them Srajan!